Rating: 3/5 stars
Briefly: Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny is an inconsistent book written from a sometimes frustratingly
limited perspective that nevertheless has some good ideas that I will
incorporate in how I describe the world.
I really liked Manne's
framing of misogyny as the methods by which status quo social
hierarchies are enforced and maintained. I found her examples of how
this framing explains behavior such as Elliot Rodger and Rush Limbaugh
to be compelling and useful. However, I wish she had expanded it to be
the gender arm of a broader set of behaviors that act to keep down those
who are dis-empowered not just due to gender but also due to race,
sexual orientation, ability, country of origin, etc. Yes, Manne alludes briefly to the importance of intersectionality and includes a few examples
of misogynoir and ableism in her book. But her framing of misogyny as an
enforcement tool of its own, rather than a subset of tools of
enforcement of the status quo in my opinion greatly limited her ability
to discuss gender dynamics in her book and interpret political events in
I (currently, at least) follow Kate Manne on twitter,
and nearly unfollowed her during the tail end of Elizabeth Warren's 2020
presidential campaign. To Manne, there is no single rational reason
that someone could support Sanders over Warren; this phenomenon cannot
be explained by anything except sexism. No, if I was disappointed in
Warren's inability to understand the harms of claiming to be racialized
for her own benefit, it is because I am sexist. If I trust in Sander's
decades-long commitment to progressive causes and am wary of Warren's
conservative roots, it is because I am sexist. If I thought Warren's
somewhat wishy-washy position on universal healthcare was less
preferable than Sander's enthusiastic support for universal healthcare,
it is because I am sexist.
So to an extent, I knew full well what
I was getting into with this book. And yet I was still somewhat
surprised about the extent to which this book praised Hillary Clinton
and refused to engage with left-wing criticisms about Clinton's
neoliberal and oligarchic political platform. In Down Girl, Manne
presents leftwing criticisms of Clinton being corrupt or conniving as
misogynist reactions to Clinton requesting space in a male dominated
sphere. The one Sanders supporter trotted out as an example of this is
some no-name HuffPo contributor who write a piece about his friend
accusing him of sexism for supporting Sanders over Clinton. Imagine
instead a discussion where due to misogyny and oligarchic pressures, the
first woman allowed to become a US presidential candidate was one so
set on generally maintaining the power structure status quo!
allows for two criticisms of Clinton: yeah maybe she got paid too much
for a few speeches, and also some of her foreign policy was "misguided."
This latter criticism is foiled against Obama, who had very similar
foreign policy, and who benefited from enthusiasm from his voters in his
history-making nomination as the first black presidential candidate. So
why didn't Clinton get the same voter enthusiasm?! Misogyny, obviously!
Not at all due to the fact that 2016-Clinton had decades in which to
publicly demonstrate her values while 2008-Obama was a relatively blank
slate upon which we could project, and who was less associated with the
ruling class/more able to present himself as a Washington outsider.
(Washington outsiders performed well in 2016!) Again, an example where
exploring the relationship between gender and wealth/social class could
have proven instructive.
I was a little shocked that the shooting
of Michael Brown was used to describe victim blaming (so as to better
understand female survivors of rape, or course), with very little
discussion about race (with little more than a token mention that the
word thug, as used to describe Brown, is usually applied to people of
colour) or police violence.
I think what made this so frustrating
was that there were great ideas woven together in this book, so their
limited application (to misogyny only, at the expense of insightful
discussion of race, class and other issues) was just that much clearer.
instance, I liked that Manne identified that social expectations of
woman were not just to provide particular acts of service/emotional
labor/ego-boosting to men, but are expected to provide it
enthusiastically, willingly, lovingly. I found particularly information
her explanation of how covert coercion of this behavior in a
patriarchal society is necessary and results in this form of
internalized misogyny where women "valorize depictions of the relevant
forms of care work as personally rewarding, socially necessary, morally
valuable, 'cool', 'natural' or healthy (as long as women perform them)."
I thought Manne fairly deftly handled the relationship between
individual agents being misogynist and social structures being
misogynist. The overall thesis of chapter 1, in which she defines
misogyny, was well argued (if a little mired in overly academic
phrasing). I also liked the give/take framing of social expectations of
(1) she is obligated to give feminine-coded services to someone or other, preferably one man who is her social equal or better (by the lights of racist, classist, as well as heteronormative values, in many contexts), at least insofar as he wants such goods and services from her; (2) she is prohibited from having or taking masculine-coded goods away from dominant men (at a minimum, and perhaps from others as well), insofar as he wants or aspires to receive or retain them (Chapter 4)
Manne's definition of misogyny seemed to me to include scenarios in which men attempt to act outside the usual gender roles and experience violence or backlash, and one question I would have for Manne is whether she would consider this misogyny. I thought it was interesting that this type of violence against men (who are acting/presenting "womanly") was not discussed.
Manne's depictions of the Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke, Elliot Rodger, Brock Turner, Trump Access Hollywood Tapes, and Daniel Holtzman stories were good. However, having recently lived through these stories, and already interpreted them through a feminist lens, I didn't find them to be so edifying. Still, it was fun to get to practice using and applying the new tools/framings presented by Manne that I described above.
Overall, some useful bits that make it worth the read, if you're prepared to skim through some rather awkward and dry prose, and can stomach reading political takes from someone who attributes Clinton's 2016 loss to sexism.
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